We’re a package deal. Think Spongebob and Patrick. Shrek and Donkey. Mulder and Scully. We get The Shining Twins a lot. You won’t get one without the other. 

We once had a medium tell us our souls have been together for centuries– and we like the sound of that. 

We’re a package deal. Think Spongebob and Patrick. Shrek and Donkey. Mulder and Scully. We get The Shining Twins a lot. You won’t get one without the other. 

We once had a medium tell us our souls have been together for centuries– and we like the sound of that. 

Yes we’re identical twins. 

Yes we finish each other’s sentences.

Yes we’ve been best friends from birth. 

No we don’t dress the same.  

We *may* be able to read each other’s minds. 

But you know what our predestined connection is good for? Music. 

Shared experiences (and mind reading) come in really handy when writing songs and singing harmonies together. We can be 100% honest and emotional with each other and we like to let that show in our songs and shows. 

We’re pretty sure it’s magical powers (but don’t tell the government about it. Cool?)

We’ve been through stuff. Seen stuff. Experienced stuff that has changed us as people, individually and together. 

We’re the type of people who are always up for the impossible. An adventure. We’re the type of people who know that, no matter what life throws our way, we’ll be okay as long as we have each other.

It’s these experiences that we draw from when we create. Our songs come from real places. Real feelings. Shared experiences.

We want to share all of this–our connection, with you too.

People have tried to tell us what to do in the past, what songs to sing, how to dress, how not to dress, who to be…in order to create music. It never felt right. Music shouldn’t be some fabricated, formulaic product that’s mass produced without a care in the world for the artistry or the fans. It should be an extension of being. It should tell a story that makes listeners feel a…*drum roll please*…CONNECTION

And we know a thing or two about connection. 

So, we’re so stoked you’re here. Whether you’ve known about us and our music for a while or you’re just now wondering who the heck these two women are, welcome. We can’t wait to share our musical lives with you. 

Yes we’re identical twins. 

Yes we finish each other’s sentences.

Yes we’ve been best friends from birth. 

No we don’t dress the same.  

We *may* be able to read each other’s minds. 

But you know what our predestined connection is good for? Music. 

Shared experiences (and mind reading) come in really handy when writing songs and singing harmonies together. We can be 100% honest and emotional with each other and we like to let that show in our songs and shows. 

We’re pretty sure it’s magical powers (but don’t tell the government about it. Cool?)

We’ve been through stuff. Seen stuff. Experienced stuff that has changed us as people, individually and together. 

We’re the type of people who are always up for the impossible. An adventure. We’re the type of people who know that, no matter what life throws our way, we’ll be okay as long as we have each other.

It’s these experiences that we draw from when we create. Our songs come from real places. Real feelings. Shared experiences.

We want to share all of this–our connection, with you too.

People have tried to tell us what to do in the past, what songs to sing, how to dress, how not to dress, who to be…in order to create music. It never felt right. Music shouldn’t be some fabricated, formulaic product that’s mass produced without a care in the world for the artistry or the fans. It should be an extension of being. It should tell a story that makes listeners feel a…*drum roll please*…CONNECTION

And we know a thing or two about connection. 

So, we’re so stoked you’re here. Whether you’ve known about us and our music for a while or you’re just now wondering who the heck these two women are, welcome. We can’t wait to share our musical lives with you. 


We’re originally from sunny Miami Florida, and the Miami music scene is where we got our start. 

We’re both proudly vegan! Animal welfare, protecting our planet, and extending compassion to all beings is incredibly important to us. 

We LOVE everything spooky and paranormal. So it’s no surprise that Halloween is our favorite holiday and horror is our favorite movie genre!

We are both big Disney park nerds. The theming and immersive experience of Disney are entrancing. Plus thrill rides are kind of our thing. We hope to visit Tokyo Disney one day soon!

Our favorite band of all time is Fleetwood Mac.

Our favorite TV show is Bob’s Burgers.

We’re both night owls! Why get up early when you can stay up late?

We are both big Disney park nerds. The theming and immersive experience of Disney are entrancing. Plus thrill rides are kind of our thing. We hope to visit Tokyo Disney one day soon!

Our favorite band of all time is Fleetwood Mac.

Alex’s favorite movie is Rocky Horror Picture Show and Lauren’s is The Shining. 

Our favorite TV show is Bob’s Burgers.

We’re both night owls! Why get up early when you can stay up late? 

but if you must...can we see you again?